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Estradiol in bodybuilding

A sad situation has developed in the world of sports pharmacology and medicine. On the one hand, citizen doctors-scientists do not favor jocks with their attention, and they do not conduct good research on the topic of sports pharmacology, in the context of “how to use it correctly.” Because it doesn’t matter at all. Apply. On the other hand, the most medical information on hormones is a carriage and a small cart. But in order to get it, you need to read abstruse books on andrology, endocrinology and other ologies. But what to do if a person has no inclination for self-education and has not succeeded in the exact sciences? That's right, write popular books on pharmacology, where you express your strong opinion... Hence the wildest amount of mythology surrounding this area. A lot of misinformation. Very.

After you listened to Yaroslavna’s cry about the state of affairs in sports pharmacology, I will return to the topic. So, what is anti-estradiol? It is commonly said that this is a female sex hormone. One of. At the same time the main one. And here, due to the principles of machismo, masculinity and sexism of the majority of jocks, prejudice immediately begins to arise against him. Why does a normal man need a woman's hormone? He's not one of these! In the end... I ask you to abstract yourself from this prejudice. Estradiol is one of the main human sex hormones, and this is how it should be perceived. Yes, women have more of it, and testosterone predominates in men, this is a fact. But they are both needed. Both sexes. They are yin and yang...

Now let's figure out how much is needed? The level of estradiol in a man’s body directly depends on the level of testosterone. Because The main method of estradiol production is aromatization in peripheral tissues. To broaden our horizons, I will say that aromatization of androgens is also the main way of estradiol formation in women, but in them it all happens centrally in the follicular apparatus of the ovaries. There, androgens are primarily produced, but are almost completely aromatized in the surrounding layer of granulosa cells, so that in women the end result is estrogen dominance. And in men, pure, uncomplicated testosterone is produced by the testicles (hee hee) and in such a shameless form enters the blood, and is aromatized anywhere: in adipose tissue, in the liver and God knows where else. Little by little. So, accordingly, a man has little estradiol. Let us now return to the question: how much estradiol is needed?

Well, the very first answer that comes to mind is: are there any reference values? When we get tested, we are told whether estradiol is “normal” or not. And here we need to remember one open secret: references are a statistical result, a corridor of values in healthy, normal, non-smoking people.

Категория: Разное | Добавил: help10 (24.03.2024)
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